Your Story
Feeling stuck in your job?
It’s a lot more common than you might think, but being in a job that you hate is something that happens to so many people. You’ve likely put up with for a longer than you should. I know, I did too…
You’ve probably found yourself feeling unchallenged, demotivated and fed up. Because what is there to be excited by about going into work? You procrastinate or find other ways of committing to decisions, or things you know you should be doing but you just can’t get the balance right?
You might see there not being a way out because you’ve done the same thing so long you could train a pig to do it.
You probably know about coaching and let’s be honest, you’re probably not sure about it (why else would you be reading this and not already doing it?). You’ve got this far on your own, why would you need support now?
You could be right.
But maybe, reaching out to start your coaching journey today could be the best thing you do all year.